Connecting fans to brands. How we helped our client increase viewer growth and engagement by 475%

How we helped our client increase viewer growth and engagement by 475%

The brief.

Our global Fortune 500 client is a leading broadcaster, pay TV operator, and India's first premium OTT, video-on-demand (VOD) service. India is a highly competitive environment with more than 30 OTT and VOD platforms. Our client made extensive investments producing popular original content and celebrity-led shows. Wanting to create more engaging experiences for fans of these shows, they chose Ascendum to develop a variety of scalable integrations and interactive elements. They wanted contests, games, surveys, etc., to be played in parallel on second screens (mobile devices) while viewing the live streaming content.

They asked us to develop a proprietary CMS interaction platform that would create stunning fan engagements on apps. Not just for entertainment and reality shows, but also for live audiences inside stadiums and event centers hosting sports and music events. The solution needed to allow for monetizing.

Our approach.

Ascendum was selected to develop a proprietary Experience Management System (EMS) to integrate a library of interactive services and fan-engagement products. These included live polls, voting, quizzes, sentiment/mood emoji meters, video walls, photo walls, and predictor/viewer suggestions. By connecting these fan engagement apps with gamification—leaderboard and gratification (sponsor prizes, vouchers/coupons) strategies— the client is able to increase traffic to events. The EMS system also delivers scalable API support to enable seamless and trusted player engagement.  Our team also provided market segmentation analytics to visually display interactive viewer segments and winner graphics while the TV shows are streaming live—helping to engage the sponsors.

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The outcome.

In a multi-year engagement that is currently active, Ascendum’s team has delivered a publishing platform that connects second screen fan actions to live show sequencing on first screen (TV) through live operator and analytics dashboards. The EMS system also supports multiple languages across second screen engagement products and is designed for ultra-high performance.

• 3.8 million: The stable platform allowed for 3.8 million concurrent users on second screen apps

• 100 million: Photos and video-based interactions with participants of a TV talent show exceeded 100 million

• 150 million: Social interactions through the EMS apps, a 5x increase in the first year of launch

• Viewer growth: 475% growth in hours spent and 69% growth in average time spent on the platform

Connecting fans to brands. How we helped our client increase viewer growth and engagement by 475%