Bringing a seamless self-checkout experience to 1 Million retail customers.

Bringing a seamless self-checkout experience to 1 Million retail customers.

The brief.

Our client is one of the largest online grocery store business in the country, with over a million customers across dozens of states. Our client are rapidly expanding into the offline stores as well and they wanted to create a best in class self service checkout experience in the existing market. Our client needed a digital solution to facilitate the customers to checkout their items on their own and eliminate any manual intervention in the process of checkout and payment with the best possible experience.Time was of the essence, and the client wanted to launch a pilot project as quickly as possible.

Our approach.

We identified three core functional areas.

Real Time Scanner

To Capture real time item images.

Virtual cart

Captured real time Images, Weight, and Price for Customer’s experience.

Seemless Payment Integration

Integrating UPI payments and BB Wallet.

The MVP featured specialized experiences for the Customers.

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The outcome.

Ascendum worked hand in hand with the client to deliver the pilot application in eight weeks.The feature set continued to evolve as the product was being built. After the app was delivered, the client analyzed the market and decided to charge for the product. They then requested additional enhancements, which Ascendum completed in two weeks.

• 10 stores participated in the initial pilot

• 100K customers will use the product

• User friendly to maximize sales and overall business

Bringing a seamless self-checkout experience to 1 Million retail customers.